Online Therapy For Trauma Healing: Does It Help?

One of the main reasons therapy is frequently challenging is that trauma survivors may worry too much that expressing their emotions would cause them to lose control. It’s also typical for trauma patients to suppress their feelings. In the end, it can be difficult for someone to talk about feelings they initially chose not to acknowledge from a traumatic experience. Understanding what trauma is and the way it affects one’s psychological well-being is crucial to using online therapy to treat trauma successfully. Let us look at the role of online therapy for trauma healing.


What Is Trauma?

An extremely upsetting or stressful event or occurrence that exceeds a person’s capacity for coping is referred to as a trauma. A number of events, including sexual or physical abuse, tragedies, exposure to war, catastrophes, and the unexpected death of a loved one, can cause it. Interpersonal trauma can also be encountered through acts of domestic assault, bullying, or emotional neglect.

People can be permanently impacted by traumatic experiences, which can change their feelings, perspectives, and actions. Past trauma can also cause physical symptoms. Remember that trauma is a subjective experience that differs from one person to another. What traumatizes one person might not affect another in the exact same way.

The Impact Of Trauma On Mental Health

A person’s mental well-being can be greatly impacted by trauma, which frequently results in a variety of psychological manifestations and disorders. This is why therapy for trauma is highly beneficial for both physical and mental health. Typical mental health issues linked to trauma include:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may have vivid, upsetting flashbacks or recollections of the traumatic incident, as well as recurring nightmares, heightened alertness, and avoidance of situations or people that bring back thoughts of the stressful and traumatic event.

Anxiety Disorders

A traumatic event can set off a number of mental health concerns and anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and particular phobias. Abnormal evasive habits, terror, and extreme worry are the hallmarks of these illnesses.


Depression is a condition marked by enduring despair, loss of interest in activities, changes in eating or sleeping patterns, and a lack of energy or drive. Trauma can play a role in the development of these symptoms.

Substance Abuse

Some people develop alcohol or substance misuse or drug problems as a way to cope with the stress that comes with traumatic experiences.

Dissociative Disorders

People with dissociative disorders may have disturbances in self-awareness, memory, personality, and outlook in life as a result of severe trauma.

Other Mental Health Conditions

Eating disorders, personality disorders, and self-harming behaviors are just a few of the psychological conditions that trauma can influence or intensify.


Whatever the reason, the course of treatment has been tailored to the individual. Depending on the kind of therapy, the patient may get knowledge about trauma and how it affects his psychological well-being, in addition to learning coping mechanisms for the feelings brought on by the traumatic event.

The Advantages Of Online Therapy

The following are some advantages of online trauma therapy:

  • Recognizing and accepting the trauma as part of one’s life
  • Reducing the trauma’s signs and symptoms
  • Providing improves the quality of one’s life
  • Regaining control and responsibility in one’s life
  • Being more mindful of the present and less preoccupied with the past

Online therapy has been increasingly popular as a practical and efficient way to get treatment for mental disorders during the past few years. This virtual technique for therapy has several benefits over conventional in-person therapy and has completely changed how people utilize and access mental health services. Online therapy has shown to be very helpful for people who need support and are trying to recover from trauma.

Some services that can be available include talk therapy, eye movement desensitization, prolonged exposure therapy, and medication management. But it differs per case. Exposure therapy, for example, may work best in-person for some people. It varies depending on individual unique needs.

Trauma Therapy And Its Benefits

One sort of psychological wellness intervention that can assist you in addressing the mental, emotional, and physical ramifications of trauma is trauma therapy. The foundation of trauma treatment is the knowledge that a person’s emotional and behavioral reactions are influenced by their bad experiences.

Through trauma treatment, one can acquire the knowledge and abilities to comprehend traumatic events, develop coping mechanisms, and process painful feelings and memories associated with an incident.

For those looking for trauma therapy, online therapy is a desirable alternative due to its many benefits, such as:

Convenience And Accessibility

The provision of mental healthcare has been transformed by the possibility of getting psychotherapy from the familiar surroundings of one’s own home, workplace, or any other place with an internet connection. It removes the travel demand and lowers obstacles like poor transportation, schedule conflicts, and restrictions specific to a specific area. People can connect with a licensed therapist or professional mental health counselor and receive help from them online, no matter where they are.

Flexible Scheduling

Organizing therapy treatment sessions requires a well-functioning scheduling system. Scheduling therapy sessions is flexible when using online trauma therapy services. Those with hectic schedules or those who find it challenging to attend in-person appointments because of jobs, family obligations, or other obligations can particularly benefit from this form of mental health care. People using online therapy can frequently locate a trauma therapist who can meet their special needs by providing evening or weekend consultations. This is the best online trauma therapy has to offer: accessible mental health treatment.

Enhanced Anonymity And Secrecy

In treatment, privacy and secrecy are crucial. When it comes to privacy and anonymity, online therapy surpasses traditional therapeutic venues. Speaking about delicate and painful events in the seclusion of their own home may make some people feel more at ease. This may encourage direct and honest conversation, which could improve the effectiveness of therapy.

Improved Therapist Options

Patients can consult with a greater variety of therapists when they use online therapy. Their options are now limited by geography, allowing patients to locate trauma-focused therapists with the training and experience needed to meet their individual requirements.


Online therapy is frequently more affordable than traditional in-person counseling. People can save money on commuting when they receive treatment online, and because there are fewer overhead costs, mental health professionals or therapists can provide consultations at a lower rate.

Furthermore, online treatment can be covered by some insurance plans, which makes it a more cost-effective and accessible choice for trauma therapy clients.


Few Reminders

Survivors must process their pain before they can heal. This calls for recognizing those painful memories—which may not always be simple. Here are some pointers for overcoming this obstacle:

Prevent Isolation

The natural tendency for many survivors is to cut themselves off from assistance from others (such as family members or mental health professionals). But being alone makes recovery more difficult. It can lead to a great deal of emotional instability and occasionally make it difficult for people to recognize the possibility of compassion in others.

Use Boundaries

When it comes to interacting during treatment sessions, set up explicit boundaries with a psychological expert. When one feels uneasy, alternative channels of communication exist, such as social networking sites or email. Establish protocols and response times in detail for emergency scenarios.

Give Consent

Make sure the patient is well aware of the advantages, restrictions, and possible dangers associated with online therapy. One must consent to the gathering of personal data and experiences in order to deal with trauma in the therapeutic setting. It will enable relationship-building and catering for both individuals and mental health professionals.

Take Up A hobby

Going to therapy might be rather intimidating. Enjoyable pastimes or hobbies could aid in patients’ pre-medication relaxation. Doing artistic activities like painting, sketching, or drawing is one of them. Hobbies like knitting, cross-stitching, and other crafts that involve creating something from scratch are also effective.

Be Patient

Online therapy or virtual counseling is an ongoing process. Maintaining composure and allowing oneself enough time to get better is critical. It is important to keep in mind that the ability to go above and beyond in order to achieve the intended recovery will determine how quickly one heals.

Accept Discomfort

Don’t stress over being articulate or sounding at ease. Rather, accept difficulty, even if it causes you to become upset or stammer. In online therapy, there is no judgment, and the greatest way to gain an advantage from treatment is to be relaxed during sessions.

Acknowledge Feelings

It can be challenging to accept one’s feelings, particularly among individuals who have experienced trauma. However, talking can be made easier if unpleasant thoughts—like anger or fear—are accepted rather than ignored. Reducing terrible emotions can provide greater spontaneity and improved self-expression, which will benefit the therapeutic process.

Maintain A Journal

Journaling might be beneficial if spoken communication is challenging. It is well-established that journaling improves one’s emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Any thoughts or emotions that one is unable to communicate orally can be written in a journal.  


In order to effectively treat trauma survivors online, it is imperative to comprehend the effects of trauma on their psychological well-being. Many trauma survivors put off getting help for years.

The majority of trauma symptoms rarely get better on their own and frequently get worse. Thankfully, virtual therapy provides a practical and easily available means of addressing psychological issues and assisting patients with their process of healing. The therapist will go through personal safety strategies to prevent trauma in later life.

Before You Go

However, keep in mind that online counseling or therapy is not just for treating trauma. It has also been effectively applied in a number of other situations, including couples therapy and online treatment for anxiety as well as depression. Online therapy is set to become a more important tool for helping people on their path to recovery and well-being as the age of technology continues to influence the topic of mental health.

You may start your journey toward long-term emotional wound recovery right now by starting online trauma therapy!


Does online therapy work for trauma?

How effective is trauma-informed therapy?

How long does it take someone to heal from trauma?

How does therapy help heal trauma?

Is online therapy just as effective?

Is online therapy just as good?

Does online therapy work for anxiety?

Can you work through trauma without a therapist?

What should effective trauma treatment focus on?

Why is trauma-informed counseling important?

Why is trauma-informed practice good?

What is very important in a trauma-informed approach?
How effective is trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy?
How will cognitive processing therapy help?
What is the evidence for online therapy?
Which of the following are limitations of online therapy?

Wholesome Activities With Your Significant Other That You Can Enjoy



Sometimes, in a long-term relationship, you often feel stagnant. That is because, for a longer period, both you and your partner grow separately inside the commitment. In some unfortunate instances, that growth leads to tons of misunderstandings and miscommunications. And since both of you are more focused on your individual gains, you forget what matters most in the first place – your love for each other.

In situations like this, it is common for adults like you to seek help to find better ways to patch things up. Gladly, the most specific answer to your concern is just spending more time with each other. Because the more you allow your partner to become part of your daily achievement and happiness, your relationship will grow fonder. And despite your busy schedules, spending time together allows both you and your partner to reconnect and become significant to each other again.

Let us look at date ideas and wholesome activities with your significant other:

Wholesome Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Partner

So here are the wholesome activities with your significant other that you can enjoy

Go On A Date

Yes, from time to time, spare each other the kind of moment where you two do not have to include anyone in the picture. However, just don’t spend it on dinner dates. Don’t get it wrong; the typical dinner date night is always great because it’s classic, intimate, and heartwarming. However, you have to be more spontaneous. Both of you need to cut from old routines and try something even better on date nights. Maybe start by going to a new restaurant.

Some of the fun activity options you can consider on your next date with your partner include going to a comedy show or concert. You can also visit arcades or amusement parks or even visit museums. You can take a workout or dance class together, try ice skating, and register in a gym. Spend time in a karaoke bar or try roller skating. If you are not fond of loud noises and too many people, you can try playing in an escape room or go to a wine tasting. For something more mellow, you can try mini golf or maybe try your hand at making a coffee table book.

Remember that whatever it is that you choose to do, note that you do not have to spend a lot of money because going out on dates doesn’t always have to be expensive. You can always pick an exciting and fun thing to bond over.

Spend Time With Nature

It can be a whole new adventure when you and your partner spend your moments together outside your comfort zone. Of course, it will be a challenging decision, considering both of you are having a hard time finding a schedule that fits both of your times. This can also be a challenge when you live in major cities. But as long you commit to the idea of getting back that spark in the relationship, you will eventually come up with the best outdoor plans.

Some of the activities you can consider with your partner include camping. You can set up tents in the woods, enjoy the silence of the forest, and appreciate nature in its bare form while heating up marshmallows at bonfires. You can visit the beach. You can play on the shore and go swimming in the crystal blue ocean. You can go on hiking. You can unleash both your adventurous side and go on the extreme miles. You can try fishing in the lake as well. It’s calming and requires less effort while spending time with nature.

Any activities you choose to do outdoors are always a great way to bring that spark back into the relationship. It can enhance your communication skills and allow you to become aware of each other’s feelings again.



Explore Hobbies Together

You and your partner should appreciate each other and one way to do that is to know what are the things that each of you can do. You can learn new hobbies and  fun things, like doing the task together or simply work on things that both of you are interested in that might help you enjoy helping each other. Exploring a new hobby together doesn’t require too many requirements to do since you can do it in the comfort of your home.

Activities you can do together include attending a cooking class. Nothing is more fulfilling when you and your partner prepare and cook food you will eat together. You can bake or try out new recipes as well. You can also play musical instruments. You can jam and sing along and play your favorite music. You can try drawing or painting or be competitive with your artwork and crafts. You can also binge-watch TV shows or movies (Netflix and chill), or you can play video games or mobile games.

Working on anything that you and your partner would want to learn or share is essential in keeping the relationship active. If both you and your significant other are willing to engage in these activities, you can expect a strengthened relationship.

Set Couple Goals

Another way that you and your partner can appreciate the presence of one another is by giving each other a sense of purpose. With your busy schedules and fading time for each other, you might miss out on the little things that require your attention. With that, you must take time to set a couple of goals and remind yourselves that working on your responsibilities together can put your respect and commitment back on track.

Some wholesome activities that you may want to include in your goal setting include reorganizing. You can each spend time in your kitchen or bedroom reorganizing things. You can make use of decluttering as it will not only create a bond with one another but also create a place where you get to know what’s in the presence of each other’s likes and dislikes. You can also try redecorating your house. You can move stuff or repaint the walls to get that mood you feel like sharing at the moment.

Host A Party

Sometimes, strengthening a relationship doesn’t always have to be between you and your significant other. If you are willing to share wonderful moments with other people, do it. You can include friends and relatives in the picture and have them in the present moment. You can also go on a double date.

With that, you can host a party of anything you like. You can invite them over and allow them to take on a couple of tasks. Not only you and your significant other will enjoy the day but you will share the happiness on that particular day spent with friends or family members. You can play a couple of wholesome games fit for all ages. There’s a trip to Jerusalem, cup shooting, Bring Me, or anything that involves everyone in the game. You can try decorating the venue and ask others to help you both.

As long as you and your partner share the same interests and can openly spend time with the same circle of people, take advantage of it. Find ways to bring the spark of your relationship, and do not hesitate to reach out to friends and family, for that matter.



Relax Together

There is no greater feeling than spending a relaxing time with the person you love in the comfort of each other. When you are at peace, it will feel like the whole world can stop at any moment. You and your partner can take advantage of your time together by spending it with relaxing activities like a board game or spa night.

Some of the things you can do together include reading a book. You can sit beside each other while reading the best novels you want to read. You can share it with each other and then talk about it afterward. You can listen to mellow music and just be present in the relaxing moment. You can try couples massage. You can give each other massage therapy along with the dim lights and peaceful ambiance. You can take a moment to drink a cup of coffee at the table and just share your thoughts and ideas for the day.

You can have a game night or movie night too. Or perhaps you can visit the local park or coffee shop, go down memory lane, have a deep conversation, and reminisce about romantic things such as your first date. Bonus points if you create a new tradition between the two of you.

Whatever light activities you want to do together, as long as they promote a relaxing and peaceful moment, you can try them. You and your partner will appreciate the moment you spend with each other once you master the art of proper communication.

Focus On Your Relationship

When you and your significant others are having troubles, it is essential to understand that choosing each other is still the best option. So, to keep the relationship, make sure that both of you know the importance of talking to each other. With that, do things that center on compromise and bond.

One of the activities you can consider doing is walking down memory lane. You can work on gratitude conditioning by talking about what you appreciate and like about each other.

You can list three things you thanked your partner for in a day. You can reminisce on your part relationship achievements and relive how you managed to stay together as a couple even after so many trials. If married, you can savor the best aspects of your relationship by renewing your vows. It can be a great reminder of why you love each other in the first place.

As long as you and your partner are willing to sit down and discuss better ways to keep the spark of the relationship alive, you are guaranteed great results.


Remember that every day should be about you and your significant other. Yes, you’ll have to run errands and be busy at times. But you have to remember that the key to a strong relationship lies in your ability to talk about issues, compromise, and plan for wholesome activities. If it’s anything else, try to consult an online therapy for trauma healing expert if you’re dealing with something else you can’t explain.


Why should couples do activities together?

How do you have fun with your partner?

How do you spend quality time with your partner?

How do you build a good relationship with your partner?

Why is it important to spend quality time with your partner?

Is it good for couples to be together every day?

How do you make a boring relationship interesting?

How do you have a fun casual relationship?

How do you make a boring relationship exciting?

How often should couples spend quality time together?

How often should you spend time with your partner?

How do you establish a healthy relationship?

Why positive relationships are important in mental health?

How does a healthy relationship start?

Does spending time together help the relationship?


Online Therapy 101: Can A Psychiatrist Recommend Stargazing To Patients?

I love stargazing. That’s the primary reason why I go on camping adventures – to be able to gaze up at the sky at various altitudes without solid walls and a roof covering my view. The experience is humbling, in my opinion, because it allows me to remember how vast the universe is and that I’m merely one of its gazillion inhabitants.


Whenever I’m looking at the stars, I can’t help but think of the millions of individuals suffering from mental disorders and how it may benefit them too. Will it lessen their misery? Can it help strengthen their hold on reality? So, I tend to wonder, “Can an online psychiatrist recommend this activity to their patients?”

Before answering that, let’s check out the advantages of stargazing first.

Continue reading “Online Therapy 101: Can A Psychiatrist Recommend Stargazing To Patients?”

Understanding Movie Therapy for Mental Wellness

What is movie therapy, and how is it connected with traditional therapeutic principles and health improvement? Can it provide beneficial results? Learn more about the treatment and how it helps mental wellness. Movies can be therapeutic tools that can be used in our own lives. A new study reveals that simply watching films demonstrating marriage difficulties can be as effective as couples’ treatment in reducing divorce rates and keeping the marriage alive.


Exploring the Transformative Power of Movie Therapy

Also called cinema therapy, it is an effective form of psychotherapy that is used as self-help or treatment that therapists use to change a person or individual’s thoughts, feelings, and ability to manage life events to start their healing and growth.

The clients are asked to watch movies consciously and reflectively and to pay attention to the story and to themselves. Then the therapist will discuss it with the client and would them to share their perspective and deep feelings. Study shows that this practice is effective for most people with anxiety, people under medication, addiction, depression, and other mental health disorder.

The movie therapy method can help lessen the rate of divorce and separation of couples by a significant margin. Research proved that therapy sessions with movies could reduce the 25 percent separation rate to 10 percent within the 3rd year mark with its therapeutic purposes.

Below is an index of movies considered reel therapy material that may save a couple’s waning marriage.

Here are some best movies to watch for couples:

#1: When A Man Loves A Woman:

It is a film that portrays the point of view of both characters, husband and wife, struggling in their marriage and other difficulties in their lives. They need relief and natural change. The film shows strong emotions and gives a better understanding of self-destructive behaviors while delivering insights about responsibility. People are not perfect, and all they can do is try to make things better through thick and thin. This emotionally intense popcorn cinema therapy is for couples undergoing troubled times.

#2: Two For The Road

A motion picture prescription concerning a husband and wife who recalls their 12-year marriage while on a road trip. The film shows the disadvantages that women have to deal with upon entering marriage too early or without experience. The movie reveals the restlessness of husbands and wives during married life in jumbled details rather than intellectual progress. It’s a good therapy through movies that also shows that however bad things may become, a breather and a good dialogue are sufficient to fix most of the problems in married life.

#3: Yours, Mine & Ours

It is a good movie that portrays the hardships parents have to deal with regarding their children in a new marriage. This comedy romance movie is enjoyable to watch and is advisable for couples who entered a merging of families and underwent cathartic cinema therapy. The movie will provide them with great ideas on how to adjust better to the new life. The movie is also viewable for children despite one nasty rumor portrayed in the movie.

#4: Husbands and Wives

It is a black comedy movie about two couples and their marriages. The first couple is struggling with their marriage while the other one is in a state of staleness. It is worth watching for evocative cinema therapy due to the film’s heartbreaking and hilarious scenes and the rollercoaster of feelings. This movie shows that every couple has their own set of problems and that no relationship is the same.


Cinema therapy can help repair your married life with its therapeutic value. However, the effort is still the primary reason for it to work out. Seek the help of a therapist if you have to.

You have to make each other feel that both of you are still important in each other’s lives despite the mental health issues and challenges you are facing. Honesty and loyalty are important aspects of married life, but respect and effort undoubtedly make it work to enhance it. Find more information about couples therapy at

Frequently Asked Questions

Is watching a movie a type of therapy?

Yes, the experience helps individuals explore emotions, gain insights, and promotes personal growth.

What is cinema therapy?

It is an emotional exploration, introspection, and way to personal growth. It entails deliberately and reflectively watching movies, then having discussions with a therapist to delve into the ideas, characters, and emotions depicted in the movie in order to promote healing and growth.

What are its methods and principles?

It utilizes various methods and principles like consciously selecting films that resonate with the individual’s emotional needs, watching them with intention and reflection, engaging in discussions or journaling about the film’s themes and characters, and exploring personal connections and insights gained from the cinematic experience. The principles revolve around utilizing the power of storytelling, identification with characters, emotional engagement, and symbolic representation to promote self-awareness, emotional expression, and personal transformation.

Can movies cure depression?

Even while they can’t cure depression on their own, they can play a significant role in a comprehensive strategy. Because they can provide emotional catharsis, portray relatable plots and characters, arouse hope, and promote self-reflection, they can aid those who are depressed in their healing and rehabilitation. It is imperative to get professional help and combine cinema therapy with research-proven treatments for depression.

What happens in the brain when we watch a movie?

The brain’s many areas are all active. The brain’s emotional centers react to the story and characters, evoking emotional and empathic responses, while visual and auditory sections absorb the sensory data. The production of neurotransmitters like dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins by the brain also contributes to the overall enjoyment, engagement, and emotional connection that one feels while viewing a film.

How are movies therapeutic?

Movies, especially those used in cinema therapy, can be therapeutic because they allow viewers to learn from and relate to the characters and situations presented. This therapeutic approach is often recommended by therapists to help clients process emotions and understand their feelings.

Can movies relieve stress?

Yes, watching movies, whether in a cinema or at home, can provide an escape from reality and a chance for relaxation, thus relieving stress. Moreover, movies can also serve as an emotional release, helping viewers to vent and process pent-up feelings.

What benefits do you get from watching films?

Watching films can foster a sense of connection, especially if enjoyed with family. Additionally, movies can be an educational tool, offering insights and lessons that might be applied in real-life situations.

Can movies affect your mental health?

Certainly, movies can influence our mental health, both positively and negatively. While some films might uplift and inspire, others might trigger memories or feelings related to mental illness. It’s essential to choose films wisely and consider consulting a licensed therapist if needed.

Does watching movies release dopamine?

Yes, watching an engaging therapy movie or any enjoyable film can trigger the release of dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter. This is why many people turn to movies during their therapy session, whether it’s group therapy, individual therapy, or anger management sessions, to enhance the therapeutic experience.

Therapy 101: Boundaries Of Following Your Heart


When I was a kid, my mom told me that I should do whatever it would take to get what I wanted. “If you had to steal it, I would cover up for you. If you had to beat it out of someone, I would even help you,” she said.

I can only imagine how mind-boggled you may be right now upon reading that statement. The social worker who took me out of the trailer park where my mom and I lived was shocked when I told her about it. She uttered that no child should be exposed to such damning ideology because the kid might genuinely do as their parents said.

As you might have expected, my mother lived the thug life. That was the last time I saw her because she was charged with murder and possession of illegal drugs. The court sentenced her to 50 years in prison, which meant that she would most likely die there. 

Did I miss my mother? Perhaps some, but I was already in foster care, where life was already 11 times better than what my mother gave me at the trailer park. I was lucky to go to a foster family that genuinely cared for children like me.


The mom was so different from my mother – from her appearance to the way she spoke. She made me feel cherished in a way that my mother never could since she was always too busy snorting drugs or hanging out with the wrong kind of people.

I was the happiest kid when my foster family decided to file for my adoption after six months of having me. Alas, the social worker explained that it could be a long process because my mother was still alive, even if she was in jail. In response, I asked them to bring me to my mother to beg for her to let me be an official part of my new family.

I thought that mom would refuse or pick up a fight when we arrived. However, when she saw how I looked – saw how healthier I became when we parted ways – she decided to give me up before I could even ask.

What I Learned From That

My life story was not as unconventional as I imagined. Many kids went through similar or worse situations than I did before they got into foster care and were adopted by a loving family. As a part of the process, though, the government required me to get therapy to deal with all the changes in my life at present and make peace with my past.


During one of these sessions, I talked about my mother’s tips to me about getting what I wanted.

“Do you agree with her?” the therapist asked.

“I did when I was much younger,” I said honestly. “That was the norm in the trailer park where we lived. But once I met my new family, I understood that there were certain boundaries that you should never cross, no matter how much you want something.”

“Can you shed some light on those boundaries?”

Never Steal

My mother taught me that stealing was okay, especially if you were doing it to the rich people or anyone who deserved to have something taken away from them. As I grew up, though, I wondered who we were to decide who deserved punishment or not. I was not a god, and neither was my mother.

Never Take Advantage Of Anyone

My mother happened to be a con woman before she became a drug abuser and murderer. She would pose as someone else and trick people into giving her money, jewelry, etc. Once she got bored with the job, she would leave them, but not before emptying their wallets first.


I learned about such stories as my mother told me about them proudly. She called as parts of her glorious old days, and I used to be in awe of her because of them. Luckily, I eventually understood how twisted that was on so many levels.

Never Be The Cause Of Someone’s Hurt

Since my mother clearly had no qualms about disobeying the laws, she ended up hurting someone until it worsened to death. When I asked her why she did it, she said she got upset, turning the guy black and blue. “I did not expect him to die, but he did, so tough luck,” my mother uttered nonchalantly.

Final Thoughts

As you might have guessed, my mother followed her heart one too many times. That’s actually inadvisable because it most likely meant that primitive impulses governed you. It might have been okay eons ago, but it’s unacceptable now.

Whoever is reading this blog, please learn from my mother’s mistakes. I know I did, and it helped me become a better individual. If you know someone who is struggling with mental health, encourage them to try therapy with professional guidance. There are a lot of types of therapy out there such as humor therapy, movie therapy, and many more than can help.

Therapy Stories: How I Put My Craziness To Profitable Use

My entire world turned bleak when my psychiatrist diagnosed me with psychosis.

I had these delusions and hallucinations for a few months, so I decided to seek a mental health diagnosis. I already knew it could be psychosis, but I did not want to accept it until the doctor confirmed it. After all, being psychotic does not sound good.


You see, as part of my movie therapy sessions, I had watched many horror movies in my entire life to know that many of the crazy killers had psychosis. They would do it at all costs if they decided to end someone’s life. They would make many elaborate plans to ensure they would get their way in the end. I did not want to be associated with those people, whether they were make-believe or not.

My psychiatrist tried to console me by saying that psychosis was treatable or its significant symptoms. She said, “Many clients who came to my office were so out of touch with reality that their families almost wanted to give up on them and send them to a mental health facility. However, I would never recommend that unless they posed a danger to everyone, including themselves. In most cases, online therapy for trauma healing is possible and helpful for psychotic individuals, so I would also recommend that to you.

In that same week, I met my therapist. She was technically a cognitive-behavioral therapist who explained that this treatment would allow me to talk about everything – from my daily life to my hallucinations to my delusions. There was no wrong answer; I just had to be as open as possible.

Of course, I did as asked because I had never dreamed of living in a mental health facility. I had many life goals to fulfill, and my psychosis should not get in that way.


After almost a year in therapy, I was finally glad to be done with it. I knew it did not cure my psychosis as the symptoms lurked in my mind. Despite that, therapy helped me keep them from poisoning my thoughts and giving me hallucinations again.

Making Lemonades Out Of My Crazy Lemon

I tried to apply for a job after my therapy sessions. The HR staff would always be sweet when they would see me for the first time. But once they flipped through my psychological evaluation documents and saw my diagnosis, they would immediately tell me to wait for their call. We all know what that means.

I called my therapist for guidance when I felt lost. She said, “No one can change others’ perceptions. All you can do is figure out how to use your experience for the better.”

And so I did. I tapped into my psychotic side to be laser-focused on creating a startup business. I also found a few people with the same condition as me, and they excelled in their fields by allowing themselves to be crazy sometimes.

Below are some of the benefits of putting my psychosis to good use:


You Have A Plan For Everything

I used to fear becoming as detailed as the killers in those horror movies I mentioned above. But when I embraced that, I realized how awesome it could be for a non-lethal application.

I got to make a plan for everything. I thought of every possible ending for my company and developed multiple contingency plans. Was it too much? Perhaps, but it was never wrong to prepare for anything.

You Only Keep Deserving People Around

Ever since I got diagnosed with psychosis, I knew I was less empathic than others. I used to be ashamed to admit it, but I stopped pretending to care when I became a boss.

I was not mean or disrespectful to people; I just refused to hire applicants who did not have the skills and characteristics needed for the job(s). For some reason, I knew that they would be a waste of money and effort.


You Always Win

The business world could be an arena for ruthless and endless competition. Everyone could be out to destroy you at every corner, and you had to be vigilant all the time.

In my case, I used my killer instinct to assess my problems and beat every company that tried to challenge me. I did not care if I met the owner at a seminar – I would merely go in for the kill.

Final Thoughts

When I look back on my life, I still cannot fathom how I have managed to make something out of myself. Imagine, getting diagnosed with psychosis was akin to a death sentence for many people. But it honestly helped turn my life around for the better.

I would never wish for anyone to deal with the same mental disorder, but if you are, please know that your world would not have to be bleak forever if you don’t let the problem get the best of you. If you know someone who is struggling with mental health, encourage them to try therapy with professional guidance. There are a lot of types of therapy out there such as humor therapy, movie therapy, and many more than can help.


Understanding Emotional Well-Being

What does it mean to be emotional? Observe intense emotional experiences and other emotions. Deal with your feelings.

A girl, calming down her emotions. When thoughts get too overwhelming, we need to pause and think calming thoughts to gain back our balance.

Are you someone who feels deeply? Unfortunately, some individuals may exploit those who are highly emotional.  Being in touch with our emotions can sometimes be seen as a sign of weakness, but it’s important to recognize that our emotions serve a purpose.

Emotional Vulnerability

Others would jump right off when they sense that we are getting emotive and take advantage of us. That is why we tend to stop ourselves from being emotional. We have this mentality that we need to show the world that we are strong despite being spontaneous. But there is entirely nothing wrong with that, though. That strategy works for those who want to focus on the immediate healing of arousing emotion. However, the usual result of that spontaneous process is going back to severe turmoil. This spontaneous drama leads to various negative outcomes.

Since most of us are driven by empathy and compassion, we think about ourselves more delicately. As we encounter new challenges and signs of mental strain, our emotion becomes a focal point. We want to feel better, so we continuously attempt to convince ourselves that we cannot be emo. That is good. The more we want to regain ourselves, the more we learn and become aware of what we should and should not do.

Emotional speech can be a powerful tool for connecting with others, expressing oneself, and conveying sentimentality. However, it’s important to be mindful of how emotions are expressed, as conversations can quickly escalate into conflict. Women, in particular, may face societal pressure to be more emotional or may struggle with other problems, such as anxiety or depression, which can affect their ability to communicate effectively in relationships. Synonyms for emotional include sentimental, passionate, and heartfelt

But sometimes, the effort we put into stabilizing our emotions is way too much that we condemn feeling spontaneous overall. This is where being spontaneous can turn out negative for well-being, and it really has a negative heartfelt moment impact.

In a movie therapy session or television counseling, the therapist and the client watch one or two films together and then talk about the psychology and emotions presented in the films. The benefits of movie therapy include the use of music and imagery to evoke emotions, the opportunity to discuss personal experiences through the lens of a movie, and the ability to relate to characters and situations presented in the film. This approach can also boost one’s emotional intelligence by recognizing and understanding feelings and emotions in both themselves and the characters.

By identifying with the characters portrayed in movies, individuals are able to process and better understand their past experiences with effectiveness, perhaps even confronting emotional scars they may have. Additionally, as viewers are immersed in the storyline, they often pick up new words and expressions, enhancing their vocabulary. Movie therapy not only provides emotional support through relatability but also layers an emotional experience where the viewer can both feel and analyze their feelings simultaneously. Furthermore, movie therapy allows individuals to enjoy the entertainment value of videos while also gaining therapeutic benefits.

Emotional Issues

When we are in denial, it prevents us from showing our spontaneous aspect. Usually, when we feel a little bit emotional about something, we often shrug it off, especially if it’s related to emotional blackmail or manipulation from others. We are used to ignoring strong feelings that we do not understand. It’s not wrong to feel emotion, but we somehow do not want to exaggerate our feelings, choosing to forget them. But the problem with that is it sticks with us, and it will affect our physical and mental health in time. Deep inside, relating to the emotions we suppress, issues rot. Having a high emotional quotient would mean recognizing these suppressed emotions and addressing them. And the more we lie to ourselves, the more it gives us this underlying pain.

Emotional Struggles: Telling Everyone The Opposite Of Our Feelings

When we are emotional and not okay, we often tell everyone the opposite. When someone asks, “How are you?” the response is easy, “I’m okay,” though we are not. Of course, our intention is not to lie to others, but we somehow find security while lying about emotional energy and feelings. Perhaps that is due to the belief that everything shall pass and that we should not make a big deal over a strange emotional issue. We think that soon enough, things will return to the way they were.

The Power of Vulnerability and Connection

The more we say we’re not emotional, the more we show how emotional we are. But the part about the habit of telling people that we are not emotional is the impossibility of these concerned individuals to lend support.

The more we try and convince them that we are not emotional, the more they get used to seeing us in a strong and willful condition. And once they get that idea of our emotional knowledge and do not genuinely need any help, these people ignore us. They will not bother to ask us anymore if we are okay. And that makes us sad, empty, and alone.

Examples of emotions can be seen in various contexts, ranging from joy and excitement to depression and sadness. Emotions are a defined part of the human experience and can be appealing when expressed in a healthy and appropriate manner. However, emotions can also be overwhelming and cause us to become upset or experience other negative feelings. Recent findings have shown a strong link between emotions and mental health, particularly in cases of depression.


Emotional Pain

When we are in a deep hole of emotional despair, we know that it is only a period before we eventually break down and shatter into pieces. We are aware that we need help and are crying deeply because others cannot see what we are going through. We know something is wrong, and most of the time, we understand what is wrong.

What Are We Most Anxious And Emotional About?

When we are emotional, we are also worried.

Anxiety, too, breeds outbursts of feelings. It is just that we are often emotional about uncertainties. We are not prepared for the impact of our actions or behaviors. We are scared of others’ judgment of our inability. But if we carefully think about it, expressing our thoughts and feelings often creates the same result. Regardless of hiding and lying about our feelings, letting them out still gives us the same expectations. Family, friends, or people either ignore us or give us attention.

So in this matter, it provides us a definite answer to know which one we prefer – that is to express our feelings no matter what.

Since we usually emphasize leaning into the discomfort we often experience, it moves us away from finally accepting the imperfections of things. And that holds us in the idea that we should stay and get better with our sentiments no matter what decision we may choose and the state we are in.

Emotional Care: It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

But apparently, being not okay is still okay. Meaning that being emotional is sometimes okay. It conveys the concept that what we feel is what we should feel because it is real. Our struggle is not because we are weak but because we learn to accept ourselves with non-judgment, self-compassion, and self-love. Connections may mean self-awareness as well.


Emotional Capability

Being emotional does not mean we should be strong enough to control our feelings. Instead, it means we should understand the importance of our capability. Of course, it is not easy to stay emotional and unavailable all the time. But if we honor our arousing emotions, our recovery will be all worth it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be emotional?
What is an example of emotional problems?
What is another word for being emotional?
What makes someone emotional?
Who is an emotional person?
Is being emotional a weakness?
Can a person be too emotional?
How do I become emotionally strong?
Is it healthy to be emotional?
How do I become less emotional?
What are the 4 types of emotions?
What is a better word for emotional?
What is emotional in love?
Can emotional mean happy?
Can love make you emotional?

How Does Vlogging Work?

What are vlogs for and what does vlogging do for mental health? A vlogger is a video blogger. Our generation today is crazy about the internet.

A vlogger smiling towards the camera


Somehow at some point, everything that people do needs to be posted on the web. That brings us to the art of creating content that is in quality video format. It is where people talk about a particular subject,  discuss various opinions, show some clips about their lives, review a product, and report a current event.

Vlogging, short for video logs, has become a popular way for individuals to express themselves. YouTube, the popular video-sharing site, is home to countless YouTube vloggers and YouTube channels. To create a successful vlog, investing in a quality video camera lens is crucial, and many vloggers opt for DSLR cameras.

There are a few ways to create a successful vlog, but consistency and engaging content are key. Additionally, social media platforms like Instagram stories can be used to promote your vlog. Ultimately, a successful vlog can be achieved with just one high quality video, as long as it resonates with specific audience and viewers.

What Is A Vlog?

A pretty simple meaning of this can be perceived as contributing to a blog under the configuration of video logs instead of a text-based journal. In this manner, it very well may be perceived as “a sort of internet-based diary that anybody can set up for nothing” (Reynolds and Overton 23).

In making a vlog, the vlogger gives their audience a visual understanding of the vlogger’s encounters, feelings, conclusions, and interests.

In this manner, it is a sharing instrument used to develop subjects and encounters. For video blog audiences, it very well may be a helpful method for settling on choices in light of others’ encounters.

For youtube video makers, making vlog videos can be a thrilling method for offering their encounters to similar individuals. They just need to get a professional lighting setup, DSLR digital cameras, and an external microphone.

Vloggers Started Video Blogging:  What They Get Out Of Doing Vlogs?

The purpose of vlogging is to share thoughts, new video ideas, and experiences with an audience. Many video content creators make vlogging their life.

They create a vlog because of the following reasons; they are committed to influencing people through a video blog, especially the younger generations, to become more aware of themselves, the world they live in, and their purpose in life.

But somehow, those influencers, top YouTubers, and successful vloggers are more focused on earning than creating valuable content from their YouTube partner program. Sometimes, all they think about is the growth of YouTube subscribers. They start vlogging because of money and fame.

However, there is nothing wrong with that as long as people watch, enjoy, and love what they do. However, the damage is unnoticeable as some videos impact a broad audience’s mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects. Thus, it is super important that people should be careful watching videos.

Many people say that vloggers promote positive influence to people around the world.

Influence Of Vlogging

The Positive Influence Of Using Videos For Media

Many say that videographers promote positive influence, as most people find some vlogging content informative. Content creators can show a different side of the news in video blogging through their youtube channel. There is a lot of information about almost everything, and people can easily get a direct answer to their questions.

Convenience Factor of Doing Things

Videographers also help people to do things conveniently with the help of video editing software. The best part of it is that they won’t have to waste some time trying to do something that somehow won’t work because they can already show the results.

It is also a source of useful instructions as most influencers edit and share more easy-to-follow procedures such as baking, cooking, gardening, video gaming, drawing, dancing, singing, etc.

Aside from that, videographers can be a great source of positivity due to the endless entertainment. It somehow takes away people’s anxiety and stress.

That is because it deliver content that is often funny, engaging, and worthy to watch. The influencers often share jokes, comedic clips, and pranks.

Other Advantages

Another great thing about it is its influence on people’s mental health. It somehow creates this community where they encourage people to share and express their feelings and emotions through social media platforms. It has its way of convincing people not to deal with their life issues alone and it can promote wholesome activities with your significant other.

Vlogging has become more accessible than ever, thanks to mobile devices that allow anyone to create and upload their own video content. T a successful vlogger, there are a few key things to remember. While many vlogs are shot using mobile devices, it’s important to ensure that the videos are professional looking and engaging. Many vloggers invest in external microphones, tripods, and lighting to enhance the quality of their content. Once the video is recorded, it can be uploaded to YouTube or other platforms for maximum reach.

In some fortunate instances, the video takes care of people’s doubts and insecurities about themselves. There are helpful vlogging tips that content creators provide that individuals can use freely. Some videos are inspirational and often promote a positive outlook on life and often people use it to start a vlog.


Vlogs And Their Negative Impact On Influencing People

Like everything else in the world, there are always two sides to the story.

While they seem to hold the power of influencing tens of thousands of people with many things, it can also cause a negative impact.

That is because some content creators pay more attention to monetization, where they do not put any effort into sharing quality videos with valuable information in their content. Usually, these videos are full of lies, and they focus more on fame or publicity. The videos rely on fake news and wrong information.

As videographers get praised for their video intro clip life hacks, there is always something about it that does not fit in.

These instructional procedures always do not go well, especially regarding how people deal with everyday tasks. Of course, the main goal is to help an individual do things conveniently. But most of the time, video content hides the truth.

Some content creators show that they claim are easy to do, but it is quite full of complicated processes in reality.

As many people can agree, the priority purpose of starting a vlog is to entertain. The step by step process makes it so inviting because some are way too engaging and funny to promote joy and happiness to their target audience.

However, some video logs encourage negative impacts such as bullying. Usually, videographers often leave insensitive remarks about people’s physical appearance, disabilities, intellectual capacity, and status. Some other videos also promote abuse as some pranks often lead to physical damage.

Final Thoughts

Lastly,  it is detrimental to mental health because other video bloggers imposed a perfect standard of life. The audience usually suffers from great emotional dilemmas seeing those contents that make them feel sorry for themselves. Some video blogs solely focus on showing off instead of inspiring others to be happy with what they have.

Vlogging is a fun way to share your voice with the world, whether you’re an aspiring filmmaker or simply want to document your daily life. With the rise of platforms like YouTube, it’s easier than ever to get started. While high-end equipment can certainly enhance the quality of your footage or filming, it’s not necessary for success. Many successful vloggers have built their audiences using just their smartphones or basic cameras. The key is to focus on engaging content, whether that means beautiful images, entertaining storytelling, or informative tutorials. With dedication and passion, anyone can create a successful vlog that serves as an inspiring example to others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a videographer do?

How do I start webcasting?

Is webcasting the same as YouTube?

Is webcasting a good career?

Should I start webcasting on YouTube?

What is the best topic for webcasting?

Can I vlog with my phone?

How do you talk in a vlog?

How long is a good vlog?



Frequently Asked Questions About Why Am I Always Depress

Usually, every time I feel sad, I automatically assume that what I am going through is part of the wrong decisions I make in life. When I do something out of my will, I always believe that it immediately results in emotional pain and agony. I always thought that I should always feel good about it when doing things because if I don’t, I will end up with misery and full of regret.

But lately, I realized that my sadness is not at all related to my struggling decision-making process. The emotion I always felt for the past few weeks was something strange that I couldn’t even put into words. The sadness I felt came from nowhere. And even if I am believed to be in a good mood, the emotional torture pops up without warning.

So I tried self-diagnosing my mental health on TV and the internet, and I began Googling some signs and symptoms of whatever type of sadness this may be. Honestly, I was a bit hesitant because I knew some sources from the internet were unreliable. But I kept searching for results to validate this unwanted emotion that I have been struggling with for the past weeks. That is where I got hooked on depression.

I know depression is a mental health problem that a lot of people tend to deal with. I understand the complication it gives, especially in severe cases. However, I was not that prepared to accept that my perception of the little sadness I was experiencing was correlated to a psychological issue. I know I am okay, and I want to believe that I am going to be fine. Will that denial suffices what I am currently emotionally and mentally going through right now?

Depression And I

It’s not that I entirely want to dwell on these negative emotions and just make them control me. Unfortunately, in most parts, I believe they are already working their way to finally be able to ruin my chances of mental and emotional survival. These negative feeling sucks because they often make me think that I am incapable of handling myself and the things around me. Well, the truth is, I am incapable as of now. But I am sure that once this is over, I know I can get back on my feet and finally free myself from all these pains, worries, sadness, and whatever these are.

I literally do not want to engage myself with the idea that this sadness may be some sort of mental illness because I have seen firsthand how this disorder ruins people I know and care about. My family relationship suffered immensely during my mom’s mental and emotional breakdown after my father cheated on her. That, for sure, is depression, as far as I am concerned. The thought of seeing the person you most love in the world destroy herself just because some idiot forgot he was married and promised a happy family is so devastating. I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone, and I wouldn’t want that mental and emotional burden to happen to me.

If this so-called sadness is not going to go away, I might have to re-evaluate myself about this mental health purpose. And honestly, I really do not know where it came from. And the void it’s getting deeper, and I often feel like it is just a matter of time before I get stuck in it. I’d really love to get back on my feet and hope all this emptiness and loneliness inside just vanish because I don’t even want to deal with them in the first place. I didn’t know where they came from and am fed up with constantly feeling this way.

My Thoughts Exactly

Genuinely, I thought about my sadness as something I could deal with over time. I usually experience something like this, so I was pretty sure I could mange somehow. It’s not like I am not fully aware of the emotions because I do understand each one of them, and I know where and where I happen to experience them. But then, I became scared after I realized that what I had was not a simple piece of sadness and loneliness and was somehow related to a mental health disorder. I became afraid not because I thought that maybe I was insane (well, it’s honestly part of it) but because I did not know what to do with it in this situation.

Since I haven’t reached out to professional help or consulted a licensed mental health care provider about all of these intrusive thoughts in my head about depression, I am still hopeful that it is not that bad.


What are the major causes of depression?

There are a lot of known factors that cause depression. There are certain medications, genes conflict, age, and social status. However, in more recent data, some of the most common factors that leap causing depressive symptoms are physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, death or a loss of a loved one, traumatic childhood experience, and stressful major events.

What is the top cause of depression?

Honestly, there’s no particular cause of depression because every individual deal with everyday stress differently. Thus, the mental health condition can occur for various reasons as it involves many different triggers. For some individuals, a stressful life event, changes in the environment, bereavement, medical illness, divorce, job or money worries are the common reasons for their depression.

Why do I go from happy to sad so fast?

Sometimes, a sudden shift in emotion can mean something far more than meets the eye. In unfortunate cases, a sudden mood change is associated with bipolar disorder. With bipolar disorder, your emotions usually swing from extremely happy to extremely sad. But note that the mood changes associated with the mental illness usually occur only a few times a year.

What does it imply to be prone to depression?

Sometimes, you get prone to depression because of your personality. Certain personality traits, including neuroticism, pessimism, perfectionism, low self-esteem, and being self-critical, have been associated with a bigger inclination toward the mental health condition. Sometimes, these traits also get associated with series of anxiety and eating disorders.

Who is at higher risk of depression?

Major depression affects adults between the ages of 45 and 65. But in the recent study, those are in their mid-20s and 30s are now defining the curve. And sometimes, even the very young ones seem to be marking a higher risk for severe depression.

What are the risks of depression?

There are tons of reasons that can trigger depression, and some of them are part of everyday lives. There is conflict or disputes with family or friends that often lead to emotional upsets. There is also sexual, physical, or emotional abuse that can cause traumatic feelings. Sometimes, being neglected and judged can also cause severe emotional pain that leads to isolation and depressive episodes.

What happens in your brain during depression?

The amygdala or the part of the brain associated with emotional responses tends to enlarge due to the influx of cortisol triggered by depression. When it gets larger and more active, it causes changes in activity levels, sleep disturbances, hormonal imbalance, and brain inflammation.

Why do I get angry so easily?

Factors that can make you angry vary to some extent. However, some common anger triggers include personal problems. These can be missing a promotion at work, financial strain, or relationship difficulties. Usually, anger comes from a problem caused by another individual, such as canceling plans, bad traffic, non-agreeable opinions, and even personality differences.


How do I prevent getting angry so easily?

When you are angry, there are a lot of things that you often miscalculate. So before complicating the situation with your negative words and possible bad behavior, you have to think before you speak. Never say something you’ll later regret. Once you’re calm, express your anger and explain why you feel that way. Don’t hold a grudge so you can identify possible solutions. Use humor to release tension and take a time out if you have to.

Does depression change your personality?

Unfortunately, there are instances that depression can affect your personality. However, self-reported personality traits do not change after a typical occurrence of extreme depression. Future investigations are required to conclude whether such change occurs, resulting in more severe, chronic, or recurrent episodes of depression.

How do you get rid of sadness?

There are some positive ways to deal with sadness. You can start by noticing how you feel and understand why you feel that way. That way, you can accept yourself despite not being okay. You can also try bouncing back from disappointments or failures and let things go when they don’t go your way. Don’t give up! Think positive and work on finding better solutions. Always put yourself in a healthy mood, surround yourself with good people and get support.

How do I not let my emotions control me?

Sometimes, your emotions can be too much, and they can become hard to handle. But don’t worry too much because some pointers can help you get started with emotional recovery. First, you need to look at the impact of your emotions and accept that intense emotions aren’t all bad. It would be significantly better if you could aim for regulation, not repression. Identify what you feel so you can know when to express yourself. Keep a food journal if you have to. Give yourself some space. Always take a deep breath.

What should you eat when sad?

Sometimes, when depressed, you tend to eat a lot to ease the emotional and mental burden. You know that food is sometimes a great stress-reliever as it can help make you feel better. Unfortunately, the foods people turn to have the opposite effect. Junk food makes you feel even worse. To avoid that, you need to consider eating foods high in Omega-3s such as fish, nuts, canola oil, flaxseed oil, and dark-green leafy vegetables.

Why can’t I express my emotions?

Expressing emotions is entirely not that easy. It takes a lot of mental, physical, and emotional strength to process what you want to say. But when that particular issue becomes another problem, then you need to get help. Because what you are going through might be a condition called Alexithymia. It is a state where you find it difficult to identify and express emotions. Fortunately, it is not a psychological disorder. However, it can greatly affect life as Alexithymia may cause problems in social situations and maintain relationships.

How can I express my emotions better?

Expressing your emotions take time and effort. You don’t just push yourself to let your feelings go because it can damage your mental health. Thus, it would help if you can find a way to be alone for some time. That way, you can allow yourself to cry, rave, rant, or curse negative things around. Permit yourself to express your feelings, and do not censor yourself.


Final Thoughts

I have depression. I now understand that my sadness is not a typical emotion that I can shrug off at any time. And believe me, I know it will last for more than weeks or even months from now. But despite that genuinely unfortunate situation, I know I can still count on my will to get better. I may not recover faster than others, but I will not stop until I can guarantee that I am free from this mental health struggle.


Frequently Asked Questions About Chronic And Acute Depression

Note: The following article contains spoilers from the WandaVision TV show. Please continue reading at your own discretion.


One advantage of movie therapy is that I had been a longtime fan of the Marvel franchise; that’s why I was so happy when I found out last year that they were releasing TV shows that were practically spinoffs from the Avengers series. The first that came out on Disney+ was WandaVision. I read before the first episode aired that it was about Wanda Maximoff and Vision’s lives after the Avengers: Endgame movie. From there, many questions came to my mind, such as, “How could there be Vision in that TV show when the character died during the Infinity War?” They were also supposed to be married, so again, “How?” Although some explanations and trailers came out after that, I forced myself not to check out any of them and wait for the actual series to be shown.

When it did, wow, I was confused! The first episode was in black in white – like a 50s sitcom, complete with taped claps and laughs from the audience. Wanda and Vision did seem to be married, but there were already loopholes from the beginning, considering neither could say how everything happened. I was starting to lose interest, but I decided to benefit from the doubt and clicked the next episode.

Well, the longer I watched WandaVision, the more I realized that: 1) Wanda was such a powerful lady that you would be a fool to cross, and 2) Vision did not seem to have a recollection of his time as an Avenger.

Once to the series came to the part where Wanda was coming out of the energy field that she surrounded the village with and told the agents to stay away; I honestly assumed her worst. I thought she might have gone deranged out of grief and would do anything to make herself happy. However, when Wanda realized her mistakes toward the ending, I saw that she was just a misunderstood person. She was grieving, yes, but it was never her intention to harm other people. In truth, when she figured out what she had done, Wanda tried her best to correct her mistakes despite knowing what she would lose because of that.


On Hindsight

I saw very little tears shed from the characters during the series finale, but I was bawling my eyes out in my bedroom. I did not know what had gotten into me, but I genuinely felt Wanda’s pain. It was clear that she went through depression after her soulmate’s death – and her brother before that. She held on to the family that she created for as long as possible. And when it was all over, and she was walking with her head down across the street, she projected a sense of defeat and hopelessness after experiencing a new kind of loss.

This show made me realize the extent of the depressive symptoms that could manifest in a person.

Reflecting On My Life After The Series Ended

​​It made me want to look into my own experiences with depression. I have suffered from both chronic and acute depression, you see. Chronic depression is an ongoing, long-term state of sadness and despair, while acute depression is a short-term, more intense form of depression.

I remember when I was going through acute depression, I felt like I was in a dark hole and I could not get out. I felt like I had been numbed, and it was hard for me to do anything that required effort. I was constantly sad and pessimistic. Worse, I would catastrophize – meaning, I would think everything was the end of the world. I was in a constant battle with myself, and it was always a losing one.

At the same time, I was also dealing with chronic depression. It was like a debilitating weight was on my shoulders, pushing me to the ground, and I would become overwhelmed by it. I felt like I was always in a state of sadness, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of it. This made me feel stuck in a cycle of despair and hopelessness, and it was hard to break out of it.

Through WandaVision, though, I was able to relate to Wanda’s journey. Granted, I would never have the powers – or would I ever want – to hold an entire village hostage for my own happy ever after, but I knew what it was like to be in her shoes. Depression consumes anyone it touches, and it consumed her. The series was like a reminder that I was not alone. It showed me that everyone experiences pain and that it is okay to not be okay. It also made me realize that it is okay to take my time to heal and that I need to be patient with myself as I go through this journey. 

What I Changed In My Life

WandaVision ultimately reminded me of the importance of self-care and self-love. It was a reminder that I need to be kind to myself and give myself the time and space to heal. I now understand that depression is a journey and that I need to take it one step at a time. I am grateful for this reminder that I am not alone in my struggles.

Since watching WandaVision, I have made a conscious effort to take care of myself. I have started to meditate and practice mindfulness, and I am learning to be more mindful of my thoughts and my emotions. I have also started to practice self-love and self-care, and I am learning to be patient and kind to myself. I am learning to accept my emotions and surround myself with supportive people who can help me through tough times.

I am thankful for the lessons I have learned from WandaVision to take care of myself. Depression is a journey that I need to take one step at a time – and eventually, I will crush it.

What are the four types of depression?

Many different types and forms of depression can affect other people. Depression that only affects women and depression that only affects people with traumatic experiences and depression can start as early as childhood. The four main types of depression are major – a most severe form of depression; chronic – longest depression; seasonal – a major depression that happens occasionally; and Manic, also known as bipolar depression, where you experience highs and lows same time. Make sure you consult with a doctor to avoid self-diagnosis and so you can get the help that you need.

What is the #1 cause of depression?

 There are no main specific causes of depression that researchers have identified. Different cases with different patients can have different causes. So far, we have a condensed list of reasons for depression, such as death or loss of a loved one, trauma or abuse, family history, and illness. Depression is a unique experience for everyone, which is why we can never really pinpoint a main or number one cause for this issue of mental health on TV.

Is depression a chronic mental illness?

Yes, depression can be a chronic mental illness. However, not all types of depression are chronic. Then again, there is one type of depression that is chronic, and it can last for longer periods compared to other types of depression. Of course, it can be treated, and a person can recover from this; however, the recovery can wear off after a certain period, and a relapse inevitable. If you feel like you’re struggling with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, you may ask for online anxiety help or go to a psychologist near you.

What is the most reliable symptom of depression?

A few symptoms of depression can be considered reliable in diagnosing depression. The most common is the loss of interest in daily activity, loss of energy, weight and appetite changes, low self-esteem, impulsive behavior, trouble focusing, irregular sleeping patterns, and unexplainable pains that do not have a physical source. You must visit a doctor to see if what you are experiencing is what you think it is. 

What happens inside the brain during a depression?

Three brain areas are affected by depression, your prefrontal cortex, your amygdala, and your hippocampus. Your prefrontal cortex is responsible for emotion regulation, decision making, and memories. Your amygdala facilitates emotional responses. The hippocampus is responsible for cortisol production, which can cause many issues once there is too much of it. 


How do I know if I’m bipolar?

The best thing to do is to consult a doctor because going on the internet looking for signs and symptoms might lead to a self-diagnosis that can further harm you. However, the signs you need to look out for are signs of high periods of mania and extremely low periods of depression, or it can also happen when you are extremely happy yet extremely sad. Other symptoms include impulsivity, anger management issues, difficulty in controlling emotions, and more.

Can bipolar people tell they are bipolar?

Bipolar disorder is a common illness that affects 1 in 40 American adults. It is common for adolescents; however, it is only diagnosed once they reach adulthood. It can take years before someone starts showing symptoms of bipolar disorder, so most of the time, people with bipolar disorder do not know that they are bipolar. To them, it seems normal and not much of a change from their daily life. 

What triggers bipolar?

Triggers for bipolar disorder can include the following: Family histories of bipolar disorder, high-stress periods, traumatic events, or even death of loved ones, substance abuse, and more. These times and situations can trigger bipolar disorder in a person, and there will be no timeframe for when this will happen, but it can.

What is the best mood stabilizer for bipolar?

 Since bipolar disorder happens through both mania and depression, there are different stabilizers for bipolar disorder. For mood stabilizers, Lamotrigine is the most effective; however, it is not adequate for mania. Lamotrigine should start at low doses, and it should be increased slowly over four or more weeks. Of course, you should make sure to consult a doctor for this to know what is most effective for you and your moods.

What is the life expectancy of a person with bipolar disorder?

People with bipolar disorder have an average life reduction between nine and 20 years. It will depend on how much you take care of yourself and how much you follow your treatment plan. Keep in touch with your doctor and stay surrounded by people who understand what you are going through and know how to help you through your episodes.

Are you born with bipolar?

Often, bipolar disorder is inherited from our family members. Genetics plays approximately 80% of bipolar cases, and it is the most likely mental illness to be inherited from your parents. There is a 10% chance that a child can inherit bipolar disorder if one of their parents has bipolar disorder. So if you or your partner has bipolar, make sure to have your children checked once you start to see signs or symptoms of the condition in them.

Is bipolar inherited from the mother or father?

Yes, bipolar disorder can be inherited from our parents. There is a 10 percent chance that you can inherit bipolar disorder if one of your parents is bipolar. According to statistics, approximately 80 percent of bipolar cases have been caused by inheritance from a parent or even a sibling. Make sure to have yourself checked if one of your parents is bipolar or experiencing any disorder symptoms.


Does Bipolar improve with age?

With the symptoms and signs starting during early adulthood, bipolar disorder or depression has been a lifelong condition. As time has passed, researchers and scientists have discovered that almost half of the patients aged 18 to 25 can start to outgrow their disorder by the time they reach 30. So make sure that you keep yourself healthy both physically and mentally. 

What is considered a severe mental illness?

Mental illnesses that cause severe impairment in functioning that can significantly interfere with or limit a person’s life are considered severe mental illnesses. As defined, serious mental illness is a cognitive, behavioral, or emotional condition where you start to become unable to function or think as you used to. An example of this is depression, where you no longer can participate in daily life and in the activities you used to find exciting.

What are the signs of bipolar in a man?

There are no specific signs or symptoms for any gender, but what you can expect to see is being easily distracted, high energy levels, high signs of happiness, extreme low points, feelings of self-importance, talking at a fast pace, easily irritated or frustrated, and more. Of course, it is still essential for you to consult a doctor to ensure that you are going through this condition. This will also help with your online therapy for trauma healing treatments and medications.

Final Thoughts

The WandaVision series ended with many cliffhangers, but there were apparently no discussions about a follow-up season yet. I would say that’s good – I would have time to prepare myself for another entertaining yet heartbreaking love story of Wanda and Vision.