Frequently Asked Questions About Chronic And Acute Depression

Note: The following article contains spoilers from the WandaVision TV show. Please continue reading at your own discretion.


One advantage of movie therapy is that I had been a longtime fan of the Marvel franchise; that’s why I was so happy when I found out last year that they were releasing TV shows that were practically spinoffs from the Avengers series. The first that came out on Disney+ was WandaVision. I read before the first episode aired that it was about Wanda Maximoff and Vision’s lives after the Avengers: Endgame movie. From there, many questions came to my mind, such as, “How could there be Vision in that TV show when the character died during the Infinity War?” They were also supposed to be married, so again, “How?” Although some explanations and trailers came out after that, I forced myself not to check out any of them and wait for the actual series to be shown.

When it did, wow, I was confused! The first episode was in black in white – like a 50s sitcom, complete with taped claps and laughs from the audience. Wanda and Vision did seem to be married, but there were already loopholes from the beginning, considering neither could say how everything happened. I was starting to lose interest, but I decided to benefit from the doubt and clicked the next episode.

Well, the longer I watched WandaVision, the more I realized that: 1) Wanda was such a powerful lady that you would be a fool to cross, and 2) Vision did not seem to have a recollection of his time as an Avenger.

Once to the series came to the part where Wanda was coming out of the energy field that she surrounded the village with and told the agents to stay away; I honestly assumed her worst. I thought she might have gone deranged out of grief and would do anything to make herself happy. However, when Wanda realized her mistakes toward the ending, I saw that she was just a misunderstood person. She was grieving, yes, but it was never her intention to harm other people. In truth, when she figured out what she had done, Wanda tried her best to correct her mistakes despite knowing what she would lose because of that.


On Hindsight

I saw very little tears shed from the characters during the series finale, but I was bawling my eyes out in my bedroom. I did not know what had gotten into me, but I genuinely felt Wanda’s pain. It was clear that she went through depression after her soulmate’s death – and her brother before that. She held on to the family that she created for as long as possible. And when it was all over, and she was walking with her head down across the street, she projected a sense of defeat and hopelessness after experiencing a new kind of loss.

This show made me realize the extent of the depressive symptoms that could manifest in a person.

Reflecting On My Life After The Series Ended

​​It made me want to look into my own experiences with depression. I have suffered from both chronic and acute depression, you see. Chronic depression is an ongoing, long-term state of sadness and despair, while acute depression is a short-term, more intense form of depression.

I remember when I was going through acute depression, I felt like I was in a dark hole and I could not get out. I felt like I had been numbed, and it was hard for me to do anything that required effort. I was constantly sad and pessimistic. Worse, I would catastrophize – meaning, I would think everything was the end of the world. I was in a constant battle with myself, and it was always a losing one.

At the same time, I was also dealing with chronic depression. It was like a debilitating weight was on my shoulders, pushing me to the ground, and I would become overwhelmed by it. I felt like I was always in a state of sadness, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of it. This made me feel stuck in a cycle of despair and hopelessness, and it was hard to break out of it.

Through WandaVision, though, I was able to relate to Wanda’s journey. Granted, I would never have the powers – or would I ever want – to hold an entire village hostage for my own happy ever after, but I knew what it was like to be in her shoes. Depression consumes anyone it touches, and it consumed her. The series was like a reminder that I was not alone. It showed me that everyone experiences pain and that it is okay to not be okay. It also made me realize that it is okay to take my time to heal and that I need to be patient with myself as I go through this journey. 

What I Changed In My Life

WandaVision ultimately reminded me of the importance of self-care and self-love. It was a reminder that I need to be kind to myself and give myself the time and space to heal. I now understand that depression is a journey and that I need to take it one step at a time. I am grateful for this reminder that I am not alone in my struggles.

Since watching WandaVision, I have made a conscious effort to take care of myself. I have started to meditate and practice mindfulness, and I am learning to be more mindful of my thoughts and my emotions. I have also started to practice self-love and self-care, and I am learning to be patient and kind to myself. I am learning to accept my emotions and surround myself with supportive people who can help me through tough times.

I am thankful for the lessons I have learned from WandaVision to take care of myself. Depression is a journey that I need to take one step at a time – and eventually, I will crush it.

What are the four types of depression?

Many different types and forms of depression can affect other people. Depression that only affects women and depression that only affects people with traumatic experiences and depression can start as early as childhood. The four main types of depression are major – a most severe form of depression; chronic – longest depression; seasonal – a major depression that happens occasionally; and Manic, also known as bipolar depression, where you experience highs and lows same time. Make sure you consult with a doctor to avoid self-diagnosis and so you can get the help that you need.

What is the #1 cause of depression?

 There are no main specific causes of depression that researchers have identified. Different cases with different patients can have different causes. So far, we have a condensed list of reasons for depression, such as death or loss of a loved one, trauma or abuse, family history, and illness. Depression is a unique experience for everyone, which is why we can never really pinpoint a main or number one cause for this issue of mental health on TV.

Is depression a chronic mental illness?

Yes, depression can be a chronic mental illness. However, not all types of depression are chronic. Then again, there is one type of depression that is chronic, and it can last for longer periods compared to other types of depression. Of course, it can be treated, and a person can recover from this; however, the recovery can wear off after a certain period, and a relapse inevitable. If you feel like you’re struggling with mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, you may ask for online anxiety help or go to a psychologist near you.

What is the most reliable symptom of depression?

A few symptoms of depression can be considered reliable in diagnosing depression. The most common is the loss of interest in daily activity, loss of energy, weight and appetite changes, low self-esteem, impulsive behavior, trouble focusing, irregular sleeping patterns, and unexplainable pains that do not have a physical source. You must visit a doctor to see if what you are experiencing is what you think it is. 

What happens inside the brain during a depression?

Three brain areas are affected by depression, your prefrontal cortex, your amygdala, and your hippocampus. Your prefrontal cortex is responsible for emotion regulation, decision making, and memories. Your amygdala facilitates emotional responses. The hippocampus is responsible for cortisol production, which can cause many issues once there is too much of it. 


How do I know if I’m bipolar?

The best thing to do is to consult a doctor because going on the internet looking for signs and symptoms might lead to a self-diagnosis that can further harm you. However, the signs you need to look out for are signs of high periods of mania and extremely low periods of depression, or it can also happen when you are extremely happy yet extremely sad. Other symptoms include impulsivity, anger management issues, difficulty in controlling emotions, and more.

Can bipolar people tell they are bipolar?

Bipolar disorder is a common illness that affects 1 in 40 American adults. It is common for adolescents; however, it is only diagnosed once they reach adulthood. It can take years before someone starts showing symptoms of bipolar disorder, so most of the time, people with bipolar disorder do not know that they are bipolar. To them, it seems normal and not much of a change from their daily life. 

What triggers bipolar?

Triggers for bipolar disorder can include the following: Family histories of bipolar disorder, high-stress periods, traumatic events, or even death of loved ones, substance abuse, and more. These times and situations can trigger bipolar disorder in a person, and there will be no timeframe for when this will happen, but it can.

What is the best mood stabilizer for bipolar?

 Since bipolar disorder happens through both mania and depression, there are different stabilizers for bipolar disorder. For mood stabilizers, Lamotrigine is the most effective; however, it is not adequate for mania. Lamotrigine should start at low doses, and it should be increased slowly over four or more weeks. Of course, you should make sure to consult a doctor for this to know what is most effective for you and your moods.

What is the life expectancy of a person with bipolar disorder?

People with bipolar disorder have an average life reduction between nine and 20 years. It will depend on how much you take care of yourself and how much you follow your treatment plan. Keep in touch with your doctor and stay surrounded by people who understand what you are going through and know how to help you through your episodes.

Are you born with bipolar?

Often, bipolar disorder is inherited from our family members. Genetics plays approximately 80% of bipolar cases, and it is the most likely mental illness to be inherited from your parents. There is a 10% chance that a child can inherit bipolar disorder if one of their parents has bipolar disorder. So if you or your partner has bipolar, make sure to have your children checked once you start to see signs or symptoms of the condition in them.

Is bipolar inherited from the mother or father?

Yes, bipolar disorder can be inherited from our parents. There is a 10 percent chance that you can inherit bipolar disorder if one of your parents is bipolar. According to statistics, approximately 80 percent of bipolar cases have been caused by inheritance from a parent or even a sibling. Make sure to have yourself checked if one of your parents is bipolar or experiencing any disorder symptoms.


Does Bipolar improve with age?

With the symptoms and signs starting during early adulthood, bipolar disorder or depression has been a lifelong condition. As time has passed, researchers and scientists have discovered that almost half of the patients aged 18 to 25 can start to outgrow their disorder by the time they reach 30. So make sure that you keep yourself healthy both physically and mentally. 

What is considered a severe mental illness?

Mental illnesses that cause severe impairment in functioning that can significantly interfere with or limit a person’s life are considered severe mental illnesses. As defined, serious mental illness is a cognitive, behavioral, or emotional condition where you start to become unable to function or think as you used to. An example of this is depression, where you no longer can participate in daily life and in the activities you used to find exciting.

What are the signs of bipolar in a man?

There are no specific signs or symptoms for any gender, but what you can expect to see is being easily distracted, high energy levels, high signs of happiness, extreme low points, feelings of self-importance, talking at a fast pace, easily irritated or frustrated, and more. Of course, it is still essential for you to consult a doctor to ensure that you are going through this condition. This will also help with your online therapy for trauma healing treatments and medications.

Final Thoughts

The WandaVision series ended with many cliffhangers, but there were apparently no discussions about a follow-up season yet. I would say that’s good – I would have time to prepare myself for another entertaining yet heartbreaking love story of Wanda and Vision.