Single Parents: How To Fit In A “Me” Time – Part 2




This is the second part of a 2-part blog series titled – Single Parents: How To Fit In A “Me” Time. Some parents think that it’s impossible because taking care of the kids and working eight to ten hours a day will take a toll on your health. This is true, but you have to combat this way of thinking. If you are stressed and pressured, you will really be fatigued. Fight it, and you have to win against these mental health issues.

Continue reading “Single Parents: How To Fit In A “Me” Time – Part 2”

Single Parents: How To Fit In A “Me” Time – Part 1



If you’re a single parent of at least three kids, you will understand what I mean by “I want my ME time.” I have five kids, three of them teenagers, and two of them middle schoolers. It’s an understatement when I say, “They are giving me a hard time.” Most days, they are making me so crazy that I don’t know how I can even handle it. I need to relax, and I need some adult interaction aside from my workmates. Being a single parent is just a difficult life, I’d say that.

Continue reading “Single Parents: How To Fit In A “Me” Time – Part 1”

Humor Therapy

So what is humor therapy? Therapeutic Humor or Humor Therapy helps relieve stress and improve a person’s sense of well-being. Employing humor eases tension and offers rejuvenation, resulting in decreased stress levels and heightened energy. Integrating humor therapy into one’s routine will alleviate stress, depression, and anxiety through laughter – the ultimate mood booster. The power of laughter should not be underestimated.

humor is really good for mental health so smile and laugh

If a friend of yours plays a hilarious joke that makes you laugh so loud, you should thank them, especially if you are sad or feeling down about something. It turns out that your friend is doing you a favor because it has been proven to maintain or improve one’s mental health.

The Birth Of Humor And Healing Through Laughter

John Thurman, M.Div., M.A., LPCC said

Humor carts, laughter, and joy have a powerful effect on better health and well-being. humor alleviates tension and stress, boosts mood, raises creativity, and provides a great, drug-free, high-risk free energy boost.”

Laughing stimulates our body’s ability, and good chemicals or endorphins, which is why laughter appears to help you in relieving tension, stress, and worry. This is why humor therapy is a powerful tool. Having humor has a lot of specific medical benefits.

How It Boosts Health Care

Reducing Pain In Medical Conditions

The use of humor therapy was popularized first by Mr. Norman Cousins. At 50, he suffered from a condition called ankylosing spondylitis.

Later on, he noticed that when he was doing something that he liked doing, the pain he felt was lesser.

So he regularly watched episodes of his favorite Marx brothers shows.

Amazingly, Cousins continued to live on for 20 more years since the day of his diagnosis.

humor is therapeutic

From that time on, a lot of studies were done to confirm the positive and negative effects and pain-relieving benefits of humor therapy.

Other studies also showed that practicing Humor Therapy can indeed boost one’s immune system and can produce relaxation.

And because this process tremendously impacts the body, practice humor therapy for a powerful impact on one’s mind, even for cancer patients.

Besides, humor and laughter help reduce stress levels and relieve pain, primarily because of lowered cortisol levels when one smiles, laughs, or adds some funniness to a conversation. Many people find solace in humor, considering it as a form of medicine for the soul. Recent information from a review on humor therapy provides funny materials that support preventive measures for mental and medical health.

Below Is A List Of The Most Commonly Seen Benefits Of Humor On One’s Mental Health Decision.

A Good Laugh Is A Natural Killer Cell Activity

It is a known fact that cortisol is a stress hormone, so the lower it is in our body, the better for our mental well-being. The effects of humor are profound and can be an essential component in health care, especially for older adults.

Humor therapy produces good endorphins, resulting in an improved mood and rejuvenation and better pain tolerance, which may be able to rival conventional medical treatment.

When you’re talking to someone with an abundant sense of comedy, Humor therapy can help, especially when you’re having trouble feeling hopeful and happy. Humor improves and laughter is family medicine that can cure sadness.

Hence, humor therapy counteracts anxiety and depression symptoms. It also enables a person to be more expressive of his emotions.

Laughter Adds Life To One’s Years

According to  Grace Malonai, Ph.D., LPCC, DCC, “Highly sensitive people are more likely to be self-reflective and think about the consequences of their actions.”

Laughter As A Treatment

Laughing is very useful for one’s mental well-being. Because of this, psychiatrists and other psychological professionals found means to combine it with therapy, which led to the creation of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor.

This association of psychologists strives to promote and encourage the use of humorous laughter and wit in aid healing settings to help treat or pacify severe mental disorders.

Moreover, another group, Stand Up For Mental Health, hires stand-up comedians to help hasten the recovery of mentally ill patients.

Some stand-up comedians are asked to perform in universities and conferences to promote awareness about mental health problems.

Laughter Strengthens Relationships

In almost all instances, we laugh more when our friends and other loved ones try to make us laugh. Research reveals that people laugh most when they are with a circle of regular friends with whom they are comfortable. Sharing funny stories in these settings not only lifts our spirits but can also improve our quality of life in the long term, which can fight cancer or chronic diseases and influence health IV.

In fact, they humorously laugh 30 times more when they are with other people. This is such good news because humor strengthens our relationships with others, and as a result, humor therapy enhances our mental and emotional health. So, be sure to practice laughter yoga and laughter exercises regularly. They have proven therapeutic benefits.

Fixing Broken Relationships, Arguments, And Misunderstandings

Apart from the benefits of humor therapy mentioned above, humor also fixes broken friendships and helps pacify arguments and misunderstandings.

Also, when we are talking with someone, and we’re laughing with them at the same time, our walls are down, and we become less serious about our quality of life. We are more open to listening and accepting other people’s points of view. When we are not so strung and all serious, we tend to relax as well.

women laughing

Laughing Promotes Relaxation – Couples Report Improvement In Relationships

A study performed by Robert Levenson at Berkeley, California involved couples whom he instructed to discuss what they didn’t like about each other.

During the discussion, most couples were laughing and even making faces. The outcome was that they felt much better after this humor therapy experiment, and couples reported that they think their relationships were much improved.

Positive Connections Through Laughter

Levenson also concluded that humorously laughing with your partner and sharing funny stories or humorous anecdotes, or another person for that matter, results in a phenomenon known as a “micro-moment of positive connection,” a term created by psychologist researcher Barbara Fredrickson. Nowadays, many people even share these moments on social media, broadening the effect of humor and its therapeutic value.

This is also called therapeutic humor or therapy humor, which means that we feel happier inside when we share humorous laughs with others. Online support groups have become platforms where individuals discuss and share these humorous moments, further emphasizing the importance of shared laughter.

Laughter Changes The Chemistry Of The Brain

According to John Harrison, LPCC, “The truth is that because we are constantly learning and evolving as individuals within our relationships, there is a never-ending learning and growing process taking place.”

If you need someone for therapy, BetterHelp is the place for you. This website is abundant in counselors specializing in humor therapy that you can talk to any time of the day.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When Can You Use Humor As An Alternative Therapy?

Humor therapy, a therapeutic method that employs amusement aids, effectively reduces discomfort and tension while improving an individual’s overall well-being. Humor therapy is especially beneficial for those grappling with serious illnesses like cancer.

Incorporating various techniques in humor therapy substantially contributes to its effectiveness. These humor therapy techniques may include laughter exercises, engaging entertainers, and comedic films or literary works that promote amusement. Additionally, interactive activities and brain teasers are instrumental in enhancing the positive impacts of humor therapy on an individual’s well-being.

Moreover, humor therapy’s ability to provide relief and alleviate stress makes it an essential tool in promoting emotional resilience during difficult times. This human-like conversational tone in humor therapy further strengthens the connection between patients and their healthcare providers while fostering a supportive environment.

The use of humor plays a crucial role in helping individuals cope with challenges by easing tension and lifting their spirits. By incorporating humor therapy techniques such as entertaining performances or engaging in amusing brain teasers, humor therapy significantly improves one’s overall state of mind during trying circumstances.

2. How Is Therapy Through Humor Practiced?

The importance of incorporating humor in therapy is undeniable. Utilizing humor allows individuals to release anxieties, let go of resentment, and alleviate tension, which significantly contributes to their well-being. Over time, holding onto such emotions could be detrimental to one’s health.

By embracing humor therapy, individuals can achieve an enhanced quality of life through instant relaxation and reduced blood pressure. Furthermore, leveraging the power of humor therapy bolsters one’s immune system. The additional benefits offered by engaging in humor include improved brain functioning and essential cardiac protection.

In the context of interpersonal relationships between professionals and their clients within therapeutic settings, integrating humor therapy fosters strong connections that prove invaluable for successful outcomes. Assessing whether incorporating elements of humor therapy within psychotherapeutic engagements renders more effective treatment measures becomes crucial for optimizing overall outcomes for those involved in these sessions.

Hence, weaving humor into these conversations leads to more responsive interactions while promoting multiple health benefits – spotlighting the undeniable value that lies within adopting robust measures like humor therapy in managing both mental and physical health challenges people face daily.

3. What Are Some Physical And Mental Effects Of Having Humor?

Engaging in humor leads to a significant reduction in cortisol levels, which are closely associated with stress. Moreover, laughing during humor therapy activates the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward pathway situated within our brains.

The benefits of humor therapy extend beyond stress relief. By stimulating the release of neuropeptides, laughter not only boosts our immune system functionality but also fosters better social interactions and improved memory performance – all thanks to lowered stress hormone levels.

Hence, incorporating humor therapy into one’s daily routine offers incontrovertible advantages for both mental and physical health while simultaneously enriching interpersonal relationships.

4. Does Laughing During Stressful Situations Make You Stronger?

Yes, the importance of humor therapy cannot be overstated. Laughter is a powerful tool that can assist in reducing stress, depression, and anxiety, contributing to an overall sense of happiness. Furthermore, having a strong sense of humor has been shown to positively impact self-esteem.

The benefits of laughter as a form of humor therapy are multifaceted for both mental and physical health. Laughter reduces the levels of stress hormones in our body while boosting immune cells and antibodies that fight infections – thereby increasing our resilience against illnesses. By activating the release of endorphins within our system, laughter combats stress and promotes an uplifting mood.

In addition to its physiological effects, humor therapy plays a crucial role in fostering connection among individuals and strengthening relationships. The use of humor therapy fosters communication and creates bonds across different backgrounds and perspectives.

Embracing humor therapy as part of one’s daily life brings far-reaching benefits that extend from personal well-being to interpersonal relationships. As more people begin to appreciate its therapeutic potential, laughter will continue serving as a vital component for fostering mental health resilience in work or home environments alike.

5. Does everyone believe that laughter is indeed the best and cheapest medicine?

Yes, humor possesses powerful healing properties. When people share laughter, it creates a connection that fosters positive physical and emotional transformations within individuals. The therapeutic effects of humor therapy not only enhance one’s well-being but also spread infectious positivity among those nearby.

6. How does having humor affect one’s blood pressure and immune system when you have cancer or heart disease?

Humor therapy has emerged as an influential factor in blood pressure management. A notable study focusing on the impact of humor therapy showed a marked increase (P<0.01) in systolic blood pressure – from 115 mmHg (108-121, mean 95% confidence interval) to 127 mmHg (120-135) during laughter interventions Thus, humor therapy may have a profound influence on systolic blood pressure levels.

7. Can cholesterol possibly be affected by humor?
8. Does laughter yoga alleviate depression?
9. How do you perform mirthful laughter therapy?
10. How to do laughter therapy?
11. Why is it important to smile and laugh?
12. When was laughter therapy invented?
13. Can laughing increase dopamine?
14. How do I cry when I laugh?
15. What is laugh meditation?

When Your Loved One Has A Mental Health Disorder


We often hear people say “I’m so depressed” or “I’m so OC,” and these may be just expressions used by them to describe their slightly changed mood anytime during the day. People think this is just a funny statement that they can joke about, but depression is a serious matter. It is not something laughable. Psychologists will agree that a mental health illness is a disruption of a person’s mood, thinking, or behavior, and this usually goes on for more than two weeks. This can occur at any time, anywhere, and in weeks, months, or even years that make it difficult for them to do regular physical activities daily. This illness exhausts them physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The first thing that you must do is to practice calmness, despite knowing that someone you love is going through a difficult time. According to Mindy Newman , MA, MTS, LMHC, “Even when our anger is not being unloaded and stays stewing inside of us, the angry thoughts are still quite destructive.”

Continue reading “When Your Loved One Has A Mental Health Disorder”

2019-2020 Meteor Showers To Watch Out For (Do They Affect Mental Health?)



Are you one of the few astronomy enthusiasts who look forward to witnessing celestial events? If you are, then you must be filled with excitement and anticipation over having to see them at the right time and the right moment. They say that some celestial events can have something to do with the status of one’s mental health. Do they, really?

(You can ask some experts in BetterHelp about this. It can be true or not, at least, you will get to talk to a counselor and unload all those mental health issues plaguing you.)

Meteor showers are among the most sought-after sky events that most people want to know about. Unfortunately, only very few countries are lucky enough to see full meteor showers. The rest of the world will have to watch these spectacles on television. Let’s focus on meteor showers for this article – what they are, why they are, and when they do appear for this year and the year to come.


What’s A Meteor Shower?

It’s a magnificent celestial phenomenon where several meteors are seen to originate and glow from a point in the evening sky known as the Radiant. The meteors are a result of a stream of cosmic remains or meteoroids coming into the Earth’s atmosphere at intensely fast velocities. There are more than 900 possible meteor showers in the list from the Meteor Data Center, and 100 of these are well-established.

Below are some meteor showers that are most commonly seen that present with the most activity. They are usually seen just before dawn, after midnight. Some showers that show peak activity during the first and last quarter of the moon phase are hard to observe.


Meteor Showers For 2019-2020


Lyrids (Next activity: April 16-28, 2019)

These are medium-strength showers that under normal circumstances produce sufficient rates for a maximum of three nights. Although they don’t have a lot of trains, they can create fireballs. They are best observed from the northern hemisphere, as the Radiant is high at dawn. They can also be seen in the southern hemisphere areas at a lower scale.


Eta Aquariids (Next activity: April 19-May 28, 2019)

Eta Aquariids, when observed from the southern tropics, are strong and steady. However, they only create minimum activity, about 10-30 per hour, when observed before dawn. Eta Aquariids persist for a week, and they are fast and persistent with minimal fireballs.


Alpha Capricornoids (Next activity: July 3-Aug 15, 2019)

Described as plateau-like with its maximum centered on July 20th, the Alpha Capricornoids are minimally strong and seldom produce more than five showers per hour. They do produce bright and beautiful fireballs when they are active and are seen on both sides of the equator.


Perseids (Next activity: July 17-Aug 26, 2019)

These showers are famous during the August evenings when they peak and are seen from the northern tropics. The Perseids are strongest on August 12 or 13, where they are seen showering at a range of 50 to 75 per hour. These showers originate from the comet 109P or the Swift Tuttle when its particles are released to the solar system. The term Perseids come from Perseus, the conspicuous constellation near its Radiant (origin).


Leonids (Next activity: Nov 6-30, 2019)

They are popular for creating meteor storms in 1833, 1966, 1999, and 2001. The Leonids are best observed when the comet 55P or the Tempel-Tuttle is near Perihelion, the sun’s closest approach. These are remaining debris from the comet. But the news is that the earth will not be seeing any dense clouds until 2099, so when the comet comes back in 2031 and 2064, no Perseids will be seen except when its activity peaks at more than 100 per hour.


Ursids (Next activity: December 17-26, 2019)

These meteor showers are frequently ignored because they peak only before the Christmas Season and are much less than the rest of the showers at 5 to 10 per hour in the late mornings. They can reach up to 25 during their maximum activity and sometimes show outbursts. Ursids are exclusively observed as a northern hemisphere celestial event.


Quadrantids (Next activity: December 27, 2019-January 10, 2020)

Quadrantids can become the strongest showers of the year but they appear relatively shorter in duration, about six hours, and they are observed during the poorest weather condition in early January. They can reach up to 25 showers per hour but are usually seen as the skies are dark. They do occasionally produce fireballs but are not very visible from the southern hemisphere.


What other celestial events do you find interesting? Let us know!


What Are The Films That Can Improve Your Mental Health?

One of the things that you need to start prioritizing is improving your mental health. At this point in your life, it is vital to focus on things or activities that can help in making you feel happier. Take note that having passion and genuine happiness in your life can help a lot in avoiding mental health-related problems or illnesses.

(Be happy in life. Talk to a consultant at BetterHelp. You can get ideas on how to ignite your passion in life and be happy.)




As you probably know by now, there are tons of ways on how you can make this happen. First of all, you can start following a healthy lifestyle wherein you will stick to a balanced diet as well as exercise regularly. If you continue to do this, your mood will improve, and it can ultimately make you a nicer person to everyone. At the same time, you can also start avoiding toxic people or relationships. The more you keep them away, the easier it would be on your part to feel relief and contentment.


Another way of achieving an improvement in your mental health is to watch movies that can make you feel positive emotions. Fortunately, this is not a tough or hard thing to do when there are great films produced by amazing directors and made by fantastic celebrities. In this article, we are going to provide you a list of movies that you can watch if you want to have improved mental health all year round. Here is it:


A Film About Family Love


It is the kind of film that you have to watch, especially if you are going through a difficult moment with your family members. Did your parents decide to split up? Is your brother experiencing drug addiction? Are there problems in your family? If you answered yes to these questions, then it is time to indulge in films that talk about the importance of having a loving family. Seeing these movies will remind you that family is everything in this life. As such, you will begin to become stronger in dealing with filial problems or issues.


A Film About Moving On


If you just suffered a traumatic experience arising from heartbreak, then be sure to gather movies that focus on moving on. Remember that what you are going through right now is only temporary, which means that things will get better someday. You can turn your life around as long as you know how to begin. To find out the answer to this question, you can always enjoy movies with themes about moving forward after a breakup. Learn from the different characters from these movies so that you can also find the perfect ways on how you can move on in real life.




A Film About New Beginnings


Are you starting on a new journey in this life? Does it make you feel uncomfortable to start all over again? Do not worry because there are thousands of exciting films that can teach you about embracing every journey that you take. These movies usually highlight the challenges of starting anew as well as how to get through this challenging phase successfully. Do not be afraid to dig deeper and analyze the representations of each character in the movies. As you start to take a look at the bigger picture, you will realize that each character depicts his lesson for the viewer.


A Film About Self-Love


If you are the kind or type of person who struggles in loving yourself or in believing in your abilities, then do not hesitate to watch films with themes about self-love. Sometimes, you need an extra push to see the beauty within you finally. An excellent method of making this happen is to watch more movies about loving one’s self. Many films talk about how one person’s struggles made him a better person and enabled him to appreciate himself more. Look for this kind of movies so that you can also start to see your top qualities as a person.




Always choose to go for films that are made with love by the people behind it. Take note that watching the movies mentioned above are not the only ways to have improved mental health. There are tons of other options available to you as long as you know how to explore them.



9 Singers With Odd Rituals Before A Show

Musicians are often portrayed as the kind of people who have no qualms about performing in a vast stadium or a therapist’s waiting area. However, what most fans do not know is that they get pre-show jitters too. It merely does not show on their performance because they either have great showmanship or their ceremonials work.

Check out the nine singers with odd rituals before a show.


1. Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin’s pre-show rituals are not what one will expect from an international rock group. Instead of downing bottles of alcohol and being entertained by groupies, which were the normalcy back in the 80s, the members seem to have dropped their old habits and enjoy mugs of tea or coffee. Frontman Robert Plant has somewhat become domesticated too, considering he asks for an ironing board before the show. Pressing his shirt and trousers is his unique way of getting in the concert mood.

2. Mumford & Sons

The wood burning ritual is practically a weird necessity for Mumford & Sons, especially for its frontman Marcus Mumford who says that the fumes clear his headache every time. They use the South American Palo Santo wood, which is the Spanish term for the “Holy Wood.” Before the show, the members will light it up and gather around it to inhale as much of the smoke as possible. The same type of wood has been known to bring positive energy and luck. For the group, it eliminates their nervousness and calms their throats.


3. Lorde

Because Lorde tends to tense up before every performance, the only things she can digest are dried seaweed or berries. According to her, she feels as if she is about to puke, even though her level of anxiety is not that high. For this reason, the singer does not eat a full meal before the show starts.

Lorde also cannot be away from her special blanket, which she likes to sleep under before hitting the stage. It is her safety blanket (literally), and it gives her peace of mind when she lies down with it.

4. John Legend

John Legend cannot wow his fans without a full stomach. And he is not contented with any meal. What he fancies to eat before the show is a roasted chicken. It seems quite reasonable, but the oddity comes in the fact that he has to have it every single pre-show.

5. Chris Martin (Coldplay)

Chris Martin has been the frontman of Coldplay since 1996, so he has gone through countless pre-shows more than half of his life. Apart from the group hug that he always shares with his bandmates, he allegedly has 18 rituals that are “too ridiculous to repeat.” One of them has something to do with personal hygiene, of course, as Chris Martin cannot perform if he has not brushed his teeth.


6. P!nk

P!nk is another fantastic artist who has an odd ritual before a performance. It involves having her nipples pinched first by somebody else in advance. It is admitted a bit strange – not to mention, painful – yet it perhaps jumpstarts her senses.

7. Kanye West

Wherever Kanye West does a show, he has to have a barber’s chair offstage. It needs to be there all the time, regardless if he is getting a haircut or not. The rapper possibly prefers that over the plushest chair in the world. The reason behind it is still yet to be heard, but that’s how he spends his time before a live event.

8. Miley Cyrus

Contrary to what some people think, Miley Cyrus does care about her private parts. The Hollywood celebrity makes sure that none of them are showing through her clothes, no matter how daring they may be. Before she performs on the stage (or rides a large swinging ball), her younger sister Noah needs to take a final inspection of her appearance. That is to verify that the singer’s genitals – specifically her vagina – are not out for the whole world to see.


9. Katy Perry

While Katy Perry loves having flowers in her dressing room, carnations should not be among them. She asks for specific flowers as well before her show, and even offers alternatives in case what her requests are not accessible at the time. Also, the pop star needs to have one box of Huggies baby wipes – most likely to remove her cosmetics and to maintain her smooth skin.

Final Thoughts

All of these singing superstars are normal human beings who aim to conquer their stage fright through various means. The blanket, the chant, and the chair – they help the singers stay focused on the show so that they can continue doing what they love to do the most: performing. Such things may be odd in our eyes, but they are a necessity for them. Nevertheless, they cannot be called artists if they do not present even a little eccentricity, right?

Family Movies Available On Netflix

There’s no doubt that Netflix is now one of the most sought after channels that people love. That’s due to the wide selection of movies they get and share with their family and friends. Tons of genres are available such as sci-fi, romantic comedy, action, horror, thriller, and more. The lists of movies feature high definition. There’s a plus ultra HD depending on the subscription.


What’s interesting about the channel is its categorical arrangement. With that, nice segregation of films is available. Some selections fit every family member’s wants and needs. And even if people end up having mixed generations, it’s never going to be a problem because picking a movie on Netflix is as easy as one, two, and three.

Top Family Movies

Pete’s Dragon

It is quite a proper release on cinemas last 2017. It is a remake of Disney’s lesser-known masterpiece (check it out in  Though it didn’t reasonably do well on the widescreen, it is still one of the most kid-friendly movies available on Netflix. It is primarily about a boy (Pete) who loses his family tragically at a very young age. He is lost in the woods and gets adopted by a dragon he named Elliot. The plot becomes interesting when he gets discovered by a park ranger that attempts to bring him back to the outside world. It is quite an exciting cinematography for children though, for adults, there are few heavy themes to consider. These include the boy’s struggle in the woods for a very long time and his reintroduction to society. Some parents might feel bad or sad about the whole kid’s experience. But overall, the film has a right balance and reasonably well-rounded.


The Iron Giant

It is an animated pick that gets included on the list due to its overall impact not only on kids but on adults as well. It is one of the last movies done in animation on a classic hand-drawn style before everything went digital. The story took place in the ’50s, something like a cold war era. There are guns and some strong scenes, but it’s not done in a way that scares children either. It is about a kid who befriends a giant robot. The thought of the animated film revolves in their friendship and how they handle the odds of both worlds. It’s a must-see movie that can receive a higher spot on the list.

Turner And Hooch

It is a type of movie that everyone will enjoy from the beginning only until to a 90% mark of the whole experience of watching it. That’s due to the film’s heavier themes that may not be suitable for some children. Though adults may find it contemplating, the last scenes are typically overwhelming. It’s much better parents don’t allow little kids to watch it due to the plot twist. Adults must be careful in allowing kids to watch the shootout at a certain point. The story is basically about a cop (Tom Hanks) who needs to get a hold of the dog because he’s a witness on a crime. The dog’s job is to identify the people that are present in the crime scene. Overall, it’s pretty much a solid pick on Netflix that families can enjoy. You can also read some reviews in

Harry And The Hendersons

Another old film on the list is Harry and the Hendersons. It is a movie that contains a lot of different elements in it that the whole family can enjoy. People can say that it is entirely intended for kids because it doesn’t have any inappropriate scenes. There is no sexual or foul languages and only manage to feature mild violence. It is an exciting movie that contains a lot of funny clips. Both kids and adults will be excited to watch it due to its friendly vibe.



It’s one of the best picks on Netflix because it is just fantastic and did entirely well in an overall aspect. It’s entertaining, and it kind of helps kids learn that there are a lot of things out there. Though the story somehow takes a part of Disney’s “Jungle Book,” the whole plot of the story is undoubtedly different from the latter. The story still runs with Mowgli avoiding the monkeys, eating fruits, and learning how to survive while protecting himself and the animals from the tiger, Sher Khan. It receives praises from becoming a realistic version of the tale told centuries ago. Though some people consider its cinematography as something that’s not designed for a happy movie, it still quite brings the essence of survival. For the comparison, I’d say Mowgli takes the crown of being the best version of the “Jungle Book.”

If you have recommendations of movies you find on Netflix that you think would be good for the family, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Accurate Depiction Of Mental Illness In Movies And TVs

We love watching movies and it can be part of our movie therapy sessions, especially if it is something that captures the interest of our brain’s function. And since we know that there are tons of epic fails and unreliable depictions of issues on mental health on TV in most of the films we see, we somehow wonder what’s true about it. Sometimes, we even try to compare, research, and ask someone if that’s what it is. So in this article, we will try to enumerate the movies that go out of the way of changing the morphed view of mental illness in the media.


Iron Man

One of the beautiful attributes of Marvel movies is that their male characters are not seen as less manly as they are even if some scenes require them to show emotions. Marvel movie character Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.) experienced what we all know as severe anxiety. Every time someone mentions to him the wormhole, he starts to dissociate and lose his breath. His condition is identified as a panic attack. Knowing that a character experiences the mental state in such a favorite movie show can make people think that even heroes alike experience trauma.

Homeland (2011)

Carrie Mathison is one of the actresses that amazingly play a character with a bipolar disorder. Though some episodes are not that perfect, most of its controversial scenes are the decent representation of an overall, often ignored psychological illness. Despite the controversy over the show, it’s great to know that a movie finally portrays the disorder reliably right. Along with the best cinematography and great acting, it shows how mental illness affects not only a specific person but transforms other lives as well.


Jessica Jones (2015)

The film is impressed with realistic writing because the way they write PTSD is poignant and sensitive. The movie is more than just about a diagnosis that PTSD is only limited to those people who experience war. Most people somehow often forget that the disorder can also stem from other dreadful events and situations such as the repeated sexual, verbal, and physical abuse that Jessica Jones endure along her relationship. The good thing about the show is that it didn’t stick in the horrors of PTSD. Instead of Jessica merely accepting the pain, she manages to do something about it.


Call Me Crazy (2013)

In a world where people seem lost in alienation and stigma of mental illness, the film brought the taboo topic to the frontline. The character Lucy, played by Brittany Snow accurately portrayed the milder symptoms up to full-blown episodes of different psychiatric disorders. Lucy suffers from overall dysfunction where she feels too tired even to do things. She sometimes experiences flashbacks and panic attacks associated with her multiple mental conditions. Since these conditions have severe symptoms, it makes her misunderstand the people around her.

Similar and intrusive thoughts of self-deprecation, honoring guilt, and deep dread plague many with depression and anxiety alike. It’s ugly, and it hurts, but there’s always something that people can do. Despite how difficult it may be, the management of the disorder is indeed possible with the right help and proper assistance. (As for assistance, there is BetterHelp. The platform is open for all people, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.)